We’re fucked. The Ai will kill us all

So one of the first proper tasks I have been set in my new job as “Finance Man” for my wife and her business partners training company is to find out how to assign staffing costs and expenses to specific invoices in Xero, the finance software the company use.

This may be a fairly rudimentary task for someone experienced in finance ( but unfortunately that someone is not me (or anyone else currently employed by the company) so I settled myself in for an fun packed evening of watching “How to Finance” videos on Youtube and hours of reading through scintillating finance blogs in order to work out the information I need …

… that was until about 45 minutes in when, eyes glazing over, I suddenly remembered I signed up for the premium version Chat GPT 3 weeks ago and then promptly for got all about it.

Me: I run a training company that provides Training packages to UK organisations and companies. (I accidently pressed return her before I was finished)

Chat GTP: That’s great! Can you please tell me more about your training packages? What specific topics or skills do you cover, and what makes your training company unique compared to others in the industry? Knowing more about your business will help me better understand how I can assist you.

Me: My question relates specifically to finance and accounting and how best to keep track of costs in relation to a specific invoice.

To keep track of costs in relation to a specific invoice, you should have a system in place that records all expenses associated with that invoice. This system should allow you to easily track the expenses and allocate them to the correct invoice, ensuring that you have an accurate record of the total cost of the project.

Here are some steps you can follow to track costs in relation to a specific invoice:

  1. Keep a record of all expenses related to the project. This can include items such as materials, labor costs, travel expenses, and any other costs incurred while working on the project.
  2. Assign each expense to a specific category or cost code. This will make it easier to track and analyze expenses later on.
  3. Use a project management tool or accounting software to track expenses and allocate them to the correct invoice. Many accounting software packages have features that allow you to easily assign expenses to specific projects or invoices.
  4. Make sure that all expenses are properly documented and backed up with receipts or other supporting documentation. This will be important if you need to reconcile the invoice or if there are any questions about the expenses later on.
  5. Regularly review your expenses and compare them to the budget for the project. This will help you identify any discrepancies or areas where you may need to adjust your spending.

By following these steps, you should be able to easily track costs in relation to a specific invoice and ensure that you have an accurate record of all expenses associated with the project.

Me: Is there a way to do that that does not involve creating a constantly expanding list nominal codes for each new every new invoice / delivery package?

Chat GTP: Yes, there is a way to track costs related to a specific invoice without creating new nominal codes for each invoice. One option is to use a cost center or a job code to track expenses related to each invoice.

A cost center is a segment of your accounting system that tracks expenses related to a specific department, location, or project. You can create a cost center for each invoice and track all expenses related to that invoice under that cost center.

Similarly, a job code is a unique identifier assigned to a specific project or job. You can assign a job code to each invoice and track all expenses related to that invoice under that job code.

By using cost centers or job codes, you can track expenses related to each invoice without creating new nominal codes. This can simplify your accounting process and make it easier to track expenses for multiple projects or invoices.

To set up cost centers or job codes, you should consult with your accounting software provider to see if they offer these features. If so, they can guide you through the process of creating cost centers or job codes and assigning expenses to them. If not, you can create these codes manually in your accounting system and assign expenses to them manually as well.

Me: Does Xero have this feature

Chat GTPYes, Xero has both cost center and tracking categories features that can be used to track expenses related to specific invoices or projects.

Cost centers in Xero allow you to track expenses related to a specific department, location, or project. You can create a cost center for each invoice and track all expenses related to that invoice under that cost center.

Tracking categories in Xero allow you to categorize transactions with additional details specific to your business, such as job codes or project names. You can create a tracking category for each invoice and track all expenses related to that invoice under that tracking category.

To set up cost centers or tracking categories in Xero, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu in Xero and select “General Settings.”
  2. Under the “Organisation” tab, click on “Tracking.”
  3. Choose “Option 1: Track expenses by category,” then click “Add category.”
  4. Enter the name of the tracking category, such as the invoice number or project name.
  5. Click “Save” to create the tracking category.


Once you’ve set up cost centers or tracking categories, you can allocate expenses to them in Xero when you create an invoice or record a bill. You can also run reports to view expenses by cost center or tracking category to track costs related to each invoice.

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